Supporting One Another…


** NEW FEATURE IN 2022 **

We encourage you to post a message of support and solidarity for fellow readers who may be struggling at this moment in the comment box below. Your words of encouragement can make a difference!

Came across a useful mental health information or resource? Feel like sharing your mental health journey? Or would you like to provide feedback and reflections on our work? Please do share them with us below too!

Please note that by posting below, you agree that we may use your name and quote for promotional purposes, and for us to edit or use only parts of your quote for clarity. Our intention is to spotlight some of the messages we received here to amplify solidarity and build community. Examples can be found on
our welcome page.

A couple of disclaimers: We are neither affiliated with nor receiving any financial benefit from the organizations and products listed on this site, unless specified. We have provided this information to help those of us who need it. Please let us know in the comment box below or email us should links are broken or organization is no longer active.

We are also NOT medical/mental health professionals. The information we posted on this website is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, or used for medical diagnosis and treatment — it is provided for educational supplemental purposes only. When in doubt, always seek the advice of your physician or qualified healthcare provider.

Lastly, do help us in flagging any unkind, hateful, and/or overly-triggering post to maintain safety and trust in this space.


Mental Health Help


A Message from Comic Creators